
  New Direction  


  Unfurl your Dreams & Desires  


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My Journey

Over the course of my life, but especially in the last decade or so, I have come to realize the importance of doing the 'inner work'. That the relationship to self is one of the, if not the most important aspect to focus on if we want to progress, grow and evolve, or change our reality, relationships, physical health and wellbeing. Once we develop the tools and ability to navigate this relationship with integrity, self-awareness, forgiveness and compassion our emotional intelligence grows and a whole new world opens up, filled with opportunities & gratitude, remembrance & awakening of intuition. By prioritizing this relationship, we get to uplevel our experience of self and life in general. 


my mantra

Whole is Health

The human being is always viewed in its totality. Mind, body, soul and energy cannot be separated, they function as a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. All parts influence each other in a continuous unbroken dance. It is merely for the ease of communication purposes that these four domains are reviewed individually below.

The physical body is the vessel, the house, the temple, the vehicle through which we experience life. It stores memories of experiences and emotions not just in the brain but in organs or tissues, sometimes in every cell or in the DNA. Genes in our DNA can be turned on or off by environmental factors, but also by our food, our thoughts and beliefs. This is known as the biology of belief. Once beliefs are ingrained, whether they are conscious or subconscious, the nervous system and hormonal messengers relay this to the physiology. The body is incredibly adaptable and has a huge capacity for self-regulation, healing and regeneration. It speaks a language for us to decipher, we call the words symptoms, illness, disease. Because our bodies are always striving to restore the balance, every dysfunction has a function, a role to play. Every symptom deserves our attention, but it is the underlying cause that has priority when we want true healing to happen.
It was once popular belief that babies come into this world as blank slates, ready to be imprinted with whatever you wish to teach them. This is not true - we all come into life with inborn talents, gifts and blueprints. However, as a young child in a family system, there will be times when your direct experience does not match what you are told about reality. The mind quickly becomes the primary tool for dealing with your emotions, to help you fit in, working for your very survival. In those early years, when the brain is in learning or imprinting mode, we are very susceptible to losing our true identities and the mind taking on a life of its own, running with the imprints instead of the blueprint. The internal belief systems of the mind are thus shaped by the families, education systems and societies that we grow up in. Unless we make them conscious, find their origins and test their truths, we become enslaved by those imprints and they tend to carry a lot of self-judgement, criticism, unworthiness, lack etc. – all saboteurs of a healthy and joyous life.
Scientists can now measure the amount of light that a single cell, or the human body as a whole, produces. Therefore, they have concluded that the human body emits a so-called bio-energy field. More mystical traditions view energy and matter in the opposite way; they say our energy field holds the blueprint for our physical form. Either way, it is safe to say that the energy field and physical form are both equally important parts of the human being in its totality. Without energy there is no vitality and ultimately, no life. Energy flows everywhere; in us, through us and around us, but the flow can become blocked by chemicals, experiences, any form of trauma, conditioning or negative beliefs. The body has seven main energy centres (chakras) that connect the energy body into the physical body and direct energy into endocrine glands and energy highways and byways (meridians and nadis) that run over and through the human body. These energy centres can contract and expand based on what is happening around us or inside us.
This is the trickiest part of the whole to put into words, as it comes very close to our (religious) belief systems and we tend to hold very strongly to those. But to put it simply: your soul, or higher self is like your sixth sense, your compass in life. It is your unique life spark and own personal guidance that goes way beyond the thinking mind. However, in modern day society this inner knowing was not acknowledged very often while we were growing up. It was often overruled by the mind or ridiculed by the outside world and so we lose the strong connection with it. The whispering voice becomes softer and softer. We give all credit to the brain as our thinking and decision-making organ. It is only when the overactive mind takes a back seat that we can consciously access the wisdom and guidance of soul. And to be crystal clear: soul or higher self is not found outside of us, it is embedded deeply in our inner world.

My vision

For Humanity and the Earth

My Vision

The New Earth

My vision is of the New Earth and a new way of being. By taking full responsibility and accountability for feelings, situations and circumstances we free ourselves of victimhood and the blame game and gain the power to accept, overcome, learn and grow in the face of any adversity. If we can accept and understand that our soul comes to this earthly plane to experience life in the physical in order to evolve, then good and bad, right and wrong lose their meaning. Every situation, every emotion becomes an opportunity to grow. The world becomes a playing field and we are free to play, experiment, make choices, mistakes, change our minds, backtrack, change tack, and find our own unique path. When unrelenting self-judgement and doubt turn into compassion and self-love, so will opinions and judgments of others lose their harsh edge and the world will be a better place. For us, for our children and all other living beings. This is the New Earth. It starts with me. It starts with you. Rediscovering who we are. Our sense of belonging, connectedness and wholeness of being.


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Words of gratitude